Intertwined: Basques and Americans Crossing Paths

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Intertwined: Basques and Americans Crossing Paths


Series of articles by Vince Juaristi on encounters between the Basques and American travelers. Originally published in the Elko Daily Free Press.


Sprawled between the Washington Monument and the U.S. Capitol, the Smithsonian hosts the National Folklife Festival each year. Hundreds of thousands attend from across America and around the world to study and learn about diverse cultures in the United States. From June 29-July 4 and July 7-10, 2016, this year's festival will showcase the Basque. In the lead up to this important event, we are publishing a series of historical and human interest articles that demonstrate how Americans and the Basque have crossed paths for centuries. An introductory article ran in January. Additional articles will run monthly through June 2016. We call the series, "Intertwined".


Vince J. Juaristi


Virtual Humanities Center at Great Basin College




Scott A. Gavorsky; Frank L. Sawyer [VHC]


Copyright © 2016, Vince J. Juaristi. Articles cannot be reprinted or redistributed.

Used by explicit permission of author; VHC Archive Deposit Agreement on file: /omeka/files/original/7be251bbb6b73065a4187dcad994ffbf.pdf [administrator access only]

Collection Items

John Adams Encounters the Basque
Account of John Adams visit to the Basque country in Spain in 1779. The visit was the result of delays in Adams travelling to Paris to begin the peace process in the American Revolution. [View Article webpage] Part of the Intertwined series of…

The Work of a Generation
Vince J. Juaristi's experiences and pride as a member of the Basque community and looking forward to Basque celebration as part of the National Folklife Festival. Part of the Intertwined series of articles celebrating Basque and American Encounters…

The Tail of the Comet
The story of Florentino Goicoechea (Basque: Florentino Goikoextea), a Basque resident and occassional smuggler living in the Pyrenees between France and Spain who operated the Réseau Comète or "Comet Line", an escape route for downed Allied airman…

The Good Shepherds
The efforts of Nevada Senator Patrick McCarran to pass an amendment to his Displaced Person's Act to allow Basque sheepherders to emigrate to the United States in 1948 through 1952. As a result, the McCarran-Walters Act (1952) adopted similar…

Proclamation by the Governor naming 29 June 2016 "Basque Heritage and Culture in Nevada" day
A Proclamation by the Governor of Nevada, Brian Sandoval, naming 29 June 2016 a day in honor of "Basque Heritage and Culture in Nevada." The proclamation is dated 24 May 2016.

Eleanor's Children
In 1937, 8-year-old Kermit Mirena Iriondo was evacuated from the Basque country following the Nazi bombing of Guernica (Basque: Gernika). Along with his old sister and two brothers, he boarded the SS Habana and sailed for England with 3,840 other…

A Basque-American Fairytale
Inspired by the simple question asked by a godchild at bedtime, Vince Juaristi ponders why the Basque have become by a multitude of measures one of the most successful immigrant communities in the United States. He identifies four key factors which…
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