Virtual Humanities Center at Great Basin College - Records

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Virtual Humanities Center at Great Basin College - Records


Repository of meeting minutes, memorandums-of-understanding (MOUs), and other organizational documents generated by the Virtual Humanities Center at Great Basin College in relation to managing the NEH Challenge Grant and related projects.

Access to specific materials may be limited by administrators for legal or human resources purposes.

Note: Archive deposit agreements are stored in the collections of the deposited materials, and administrator access is required.


Scott A. Gavorsky


Virtual Humanities Center at Great Basin College


10 May 2016


All rights reserved. Use of any content only by express permission of Great Basin College © 2016



Collection Items

Bryce Kimber: Oral History Interview
Bryce Kimber of Montello, NV ("Mr. Montello") is the son of Grouse Creek, UT homesteaders, W. C. "Bill" and Bertha Kimber. Born on the Kimber Ranch in 1929 he moved with his family to Montello, NV to attend school in 1939. He has lived in Montello…

2015 Annual Report to GBC Faculty Senate
Annual report of activities of the NEH Humanities Grant Ad-Hoc Committee to the Great Basin College Faculty Senate, submitted 1 May 2015. The report covers activities undertaken during the 2014-2015 academic year, and a request for continued status…

Review Report for the HUM 111 "Introduction to the Humanities" Gateway Course
Pilot Program Review of the HUM 111 "Introduction to the Humanities" Gateway Course offered online at GBC during Fall Semester 2014 and Spring Semester 2015. The development of a Gateway Course in the Humanities was one of the goals of the NEH…

2016 Annual Report to GBC Faculty Senate
Annual report of activities of the Virtual Humanities Center at Great Basin College (VHC) Ad-Hoc Committee to the Great Basin College Faculty Senate, submitted for the 13 May 2016 Faculty Senate meeting. The report covers activities undertaken during…

Poster for 2018 Veteran Writers Worskhop and Caleb Cage Reading
Poster for the 2018 Veteran Writers Workshop held at GBC on 30 and 21 January 2018, in conjunction with the 34th National Cowboy Poetry Gathering. Also features the poster for the book reading by Caleb Cage from "Desert Momentos: Stories of Iraq and…
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