ACE Events - 2017-2019

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ACE Events - 2017-2019


Collection of ACE (Arts and Cultural Enrichment) events at Great Basin College from 2017 through 2019

Collection Items

Johnny B Piano Man - 'Rhythm of the North' Educational Outreach Performance
Musician Johnny B. Piano Man performed selections from his "Rhythm of the North" show at Great Basin College Theater on 2 November 2016 for an audience of students from Elko and Spring Creek High Schools and other members of the community. The…

Reintegration of Returned Veterans (Black & White Movie Night Panel Discussion)
Pre-movie panel discussion on "Reintegration of Returned Veterans" before the Black & White Movie Night showing of The Best Years of Our Lives (dir. William Wyler; 1946). Panelists for the discussion included: Nick Beitia: Veteran and GBC…

Mountain Picassos: Basque Arborglyphs of the Great Basin poster
Advertising poster for the "Mountain Picassos: Basque Arborglyphs of the Great Basin" exhibit at the GBC Art Gallery from August through 12 October 2017. The poster also advertises the reception and talk on 28 September 2017 by Jean Earl. The event…

ACE 34th National Cowboy Poetry Gathering Speakers (2018)
Official ACE poster advertising talks at GBC by Nephi Craig, Vince Juaristi, and the "Inner Strength: Potraits of Basque Immigrant Women" exhibit at
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