Toolkit - Student Aids

Dublin Core


Toolkit - Student Aids


Student Aids for Classroom Use


The collection contains student aids that faculty at GBC have used in their classes to help students.


GBC Faculty


GBC Virtual Humanities Center


July 2014


Scott A. Gavorsky

Collection Items

Creating Cornell Notes - S. Clowes
S. Clowes explains what Cornell Notes are, how to create them, and how to use them.

College Study Tips from Students at Washington State University.
Student-produced video discussing common problems with studying in college and how to develop good study skills. Used by Scott A. Gavorsky as an optional reference for students who are beginning college.

Collegiate Study Skills - WebCampus Page
A complete WebCampus page in HTML coding with links to various collegiate study skill guides and student resources at GBC.

Time Management Advice and Worksheets
Collegiate Time Management advice and worksheets put together by the GBC Student Government and included in the 2013-2014 GBC Student Handbook.

Humanities Core Skills Flyer
A flyer listing the core skills a humanities-based education can deliver. The skills are broken down into the categories used by Great Basin College in the General Education Requirements.

Study Skills Workshop # 3: Reading for Information
TAACCCT Grant developed guide for students on reading for information across a variety of contexts. The MediaSite video is hosted by TAACCCT team members Season Riley and Annie Hicks. Click to view MediaSite Video…
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