Janey Blackeye-Bryan and Shasta Blackeye-Adair presented a lecture to the Shoshone Community Language Initiative (SCLI) program at Great Basin College over the heritage of the Western Shoshone. They begin their presentation by going over women and…
In Janey Blackeye-Bryan and Shasta Blackeye-Adair’s second presentation to the Shoshone Community Language Initiative (SCLI) program at Great Basin College they continue to talk about their history and the traditions of the Western Shoshone. They…
Loyd Hanks is a Western Shoshone from the Duck Valley reservation his family came from both Paradise Valley, NV and Reese River, NV. Loyd talks about how he became a crew chief in the U.S. Air Force as part of a jet engine mechanic crew, and how he…