Browse Items (354 total)

To what extent does religious liberty conflict with federal and state laws on a range of issues, or even personal choices? How should such conflicts be resolved, while protecting the Constitution's rights to religious liberty? This GBC Talks…

Pre-movie panel discussion on "Reintegration of Returned Veterans" before the Black & White Movie Night showing of The Best Years of Our Lives (dir. William Wyler; 1946). Panelists for the discussion included: Nick Beitia: Veteran and GBC…

Flyer prepared for the Shoshone Community Language Teachers Workshop hosted by Great Basin College on 18-19 November 2016. The flyer contains a list of the Western Shoshone Oral Histories collected through November 2016, with oral histories with…

Pilot Program Review of the HUM 111 "Introduction to the Humanities" Gateway Course offered online at GBC during Fall Semester 2014 and Spring Semester 2015. The development of a Gateway Course in the Humanities was one of the goals of the NEH…

Interview with Elko Second World War veterans Ted Blohm and George Winch, Sr., recorded at the GBC Theater as part of Black and White Movie Night on 1 April 2016. Dr. Joshua Webster of GBC conducted the interview. COL Ted Blohm served in WWII,…

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Inspired by the simple question asked by a godchild at bedtime, Vince Juaristi ponders why the Basque have become by a multitude of measures one of the most successful immigrant communities in the United States. He identifies four key factors which…

In 1937, 8-year-old Kermit Mirena Iriondo was evacuated from the Basque country following the Nazi bombing of Guernica (Basque: Gernika). Along with his old sister and two brothers, he boarded the SS Habana and sailed for England with 3,840 other…

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The efforts of Nevada Senator Patrick McCarran to pass an amendment to his Displaced Person's Act to allow Basque sheepherders to emigrate to the United States in 1948 through 1952. As a result, the McCarran-Walters Act (1952) adopted similar…

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The story of Florentino Goicoechea (Basque: Florentino Goikoextea), a Basque resident and occassional smuggler living in the Pyrenees between France and Spain who operated the Réseau Comète or "Comet Line", an escape route for downed Allied airman…

Vince J. Juaristi's experiences and pride as a member of the Basque community and looking forward to Basque celebration as part of the National Folklife Festival. Part of the Intertwined series of articles celebrating Basque and American Encounters…
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