Browse Items (354 total)

The Oral History Consent, Archiving, and Reproduction Agreement is a blank, fillable-field pdf form which should be used for new oral histories which are to be deposited in the VHC archives. The form can be filled out and then printed for…

Web-quality logo for GBC Virtual Humanities Center.

VHC logo in 150 px height (to match GBC logo) for webuse

The Digital Collection Deposit and Reproduction Agreement is a blank, fillable-field pdf form which should be used for new items (documents, videos, interviews, audio files, etc.) which are to be deposited in the VHC archives. The form can be filled…

Dr. Frank Daniels explains in this video how to use tertiary sources such as textbooks or encyclopedias to identify primary (evidence) and secondary (interpretation) sources for papers.

SP16 office_mix_help_guide (1).pdf
The handout distributed during the Spring 2016 WebCampus In-Service, featuring an overview of the new OfficeMix software available for Powerpoint and in WebCampus..

Discussion aimed at first-generation college attendees about the different types of post-secondary programs and degrees, the length of time to complete, and the purpose of each credential for professional careers.

Tortoise Talk Fall 2014 - Jan 24 2015.pdf
Student journal of the Great Basin College Nature Club
From Introduction:
"Hello Readers! Great Basin College Nature Club has returned for another season of adventures. We at Nature Club promote physical fitness, collaboration between students, and…

Tortoise Talk Vol1 Issue1.pdf
Student journal of the Great Basin College Nature Club
From "Life Begins in the Desert" (introductory article):
"Greetings readers! Great Basin College Nature Club began late in the Fall of 2013 with just a few ambitious young students under the…

Tobey Hilman picture.jpg
Toby Hilman is a Northern Paiute from the Pyramid Lake Reservation where he grew up until he attended Stewart Indian School. He speaks about being at Stewart and the discipline that was practiced there. Although one thing that he did receive from…
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