Browse Items (354 total)

Film Title: In the Mood for Love
Reviewer: Josh Webster

In the summer of 1992, a group of college students and their film teacher make a movie in the streets of Singapore, a place where there is little domestic film production at the time. After their work is completed, the young screenwriter, producer,…

Film Title: Dick Johnson is Dead
Reviewer Name: Russell Minter

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Florence Steele and Lee Moon are Goshute from the Goshute Reservation. Florence and Lee start their oral history by telling the creation story of Coyote, and how Coyote brought over the Native Americans to the North American continent. They also…

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Floyd Collins was born in Ely, NV on August 27, 1937. His dad was Abe Collins Sr. and his mom was Dellis Maul. Floyd speaks about living all around Nevada but mostly in Ely, and how he worked different occupations such as BLM, Kennecott mine, and…

Frank Aguirre of Elko, Nevada discusses living in large Basque family. Topics include the railroad work of his father, Guy Aguirre, the various chores and jobs growing up in ranching country during the later years of the Depression, relations with…

Jay and Frankie Bilbao
Tom Bilbao, son of Basque immigrants Vicente & Paula Bilbao was born at Jack Creek, NV in 1925. His wife Frances "Frankie" Vicondoa Bilbao and son Jay Bilbao talk about prospecting & mining in northern Elko County and their "Aita", father Tom…

Description of Original Talk:
Discussion of efforts of ranchers, environmentalists, and other groups to collaboratively work together to preserve family farms and ranchlands throughout the West, as well as their traditions and customs.
Part of the…

Discussion of efforts of ranchers, environmentalists, and other groups to collaboratively work together to preserve family farms and ranchlands throughout the West, as well as their traditions and customs.
Part of the 2015 Cowboy Poetry Speakers…
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